
In elementary school, I thought about the source of gravitation and what centrifugal force is. In junior high school, I made DC motors and generators with copper wires and magnets.

I was an undergraduate in the Department of Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China. At that time, I had to take "Physics Experiment" every semester and experienced many different things, including measuring Young's modulus and single photon detection. I became so interested in experimental equipment and circuits and spent a lot of time in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Later, I chose to go to the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences to study optoelectronic devices. I used to make, measure and analyze devices. During the period, I wrote a lot of code for device design.

After I got my Ph.D., I worked for Synopsys for a year, engaged in the development of software for physical design. Since 2012, I went to Yale University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison to continue my research on semiconductor devices. I studied the micromachining III-N by anodic etching, and hetero-integration by micro‐transfer printing.

In 2017, due to personal reasons, I left Yale. Soon I joined NANOx, and got a chance to start a new direction. In the next three years, I spent most of my time involved in platform construction, and instrument design. I also did some fundamental job, including circuit design and exploring nanofabrication methods. As usual, I wrote code for circuit analysis; Like what happened in the semiconductor field, these design processes need to be automatic when the scale of circuits increases.

I read Manga. I followed Naruto and Bleach, and now One-Punch Man. I play video games.